Offices Worldwide

The Adizes Institute operates as a multinational service organization with offices worldwide including in the US, Mexico, Lithuania, Latvia, Southeastern Europe, Ukraine, and India.

In addition, certified associates are available in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Poland, Greece, Italy, France, Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia, and Australia.


Associates Worldwide

The Adizes Institute operates as a multinational service organization with offices worldwide.

Our team comprises highly skilled and certified associates who specialize in various aspects of the Adizes Methodology.

Our History

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Adizes Methodology Conceived

The history of Adizes dates back to the spring of 1966, when a young Ichak Adizes, as part of his doctoral dissertation, studied the Yugoslav industrial democracy-management system. This democratic approach to management stood in stark contrast to the top down management approach used in the United States, and it was by studying these two approaches and evaluating their relative strengths and weaknesses that the Adizes® Methodology was first conceived.

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The MDOR Institute

In 1971, the book Industrial Democracy: Yugoslav Style was published to much acclaim. The book was immediately translated into many languages establishing Dr. Adizes as an expert on the subject of the democratization of organizations, a subject he was invited to speak on at events around the world. That same year Dr. Adizes established the MDOR (Management Development and Organizational Research) Institute where he worked with clients as a consultant. It was at this stage that the application of the Adizes® Methodology was first tested and refined.

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The Adizes Institute was born

By 1979, the name MDOR Institute had been changed to the Adizes Institute and Dr. Adizes had already published his second and third books, Self Management – New Dimensions to Democracy and How to Solve the Mismanagement Crisis, respectively. With increased demands for Dr. Adizes’ consulting services, he resigned his tenure at UCLA Graduate School of Management so that he could dedicate more of his time to developing and documenting the Adizes® Methodology.

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Training and Certification

Dr. Adizes first started training and certifying others in the Adizes® Methodology as far back as 1977. Since then hundreds of individuals have been trained and certified in the Adizes® Methodology establishing thriving offices around the world.

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Growth and Expansion

Over the decades, the Adizes Institute experienced significant growth and expanded its reach. It gained recognition for its innovative approach to management and leadership, attracting clients from diverse sectors, including corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations.

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Ongoing Evolution

The institute has continued to evolve its services and adapt to the changing needs of organizations in the business world. Dr. Adizes and the institute have remained at the forefront of thought leadership in the field of organizational change and development, and we're thrilled to announce the expansion of our organization with a new office in Spain!


Spanning across continents, the Adizes Institute Worldwide boasts a significant global presence with offices in the United States, Mexico, Lithuania, Latvia, Southeastern Europe, Ukraine, and India.

Certified associates in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Poland, Greece, Italy, France, Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia, and Australia further enhance this global network.

Together, they offer specialized services to equip organizations with the strategies and tools to lead change without destructive conflict to achieve exceptional results, showcasing the Institute's commitment to excellence in transformational organizational solutions worldwide.

Our advance skills.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est.







Our Leadership

The Adizes Institute is led by our Executive Leadership Team and our founder, Dr. Ichak Adizes.

Meet Our Executive Leadership Team

Our Associates

Supporting our leadership is our diverse group of Associates (Certified Adizes Organizational Symbergists™).

These professionals come from over 30 countries and have expertise in engineering, theology, business, and physics.
They are committed to the Adizes Methodology and Mutual Trust and Respect values.

Skilled in our specialized management approach, they work with organizations from global corporations, governments, start-ups, and not-for-profit institutions to drive transformation and growth.

Meet our global network of Associates

Adizes Institute
Conventions & Awards

Explore our platform to discover the latest updates on upcoming conventions, past award recipients, and valuable resources to enhance your leadership journey.

Visit Adizes Institute Conventions
& Awards website

"Ichak Adizes is one of the few management consultants who has converted a whole array of theory-based concepts into unusually practical guidelines for managers. And even more impressive, he has integrated these guidelines into a comprehensive system of management."


Professor of Democratic Business Enterprise

Columbia University Graduate School of Business

"Adizes has been an invaluable resource and insightful advisor in my efforts to restore entrepreneurial vitality to mature businesses. organizations throughout the world."


Former Chairman President And CEO

Compañía petrolera Shell

“The Institute’s methodology has enhanced internal communications by encouraging habits of participatory management and by helping us accept change as normal and as continuous opportunity for the bank."


Former CEO

Bank of America

“The U.S. foreign policy world — as well as the international community as a whole — would benefit greatly from a deeper understanding of Ichak Adizes’ insights and theories."


Former deputy U.S. Ambassador

United Nations

"We have been applying the Adizes methodology for more than 40 years. It has been instrumental in enabling us to grow our business from around $50 million per year to over $4 billion. The lessons of balanced management that recognize all the disciplines needed in every organization, regardless of size, have been a driving force behind our success."



The Wonderful Company

"This course has been extremely helpful for implementation within my organization. Dr. Adizes' insight about organizational therapy really changed my perspective on my role as an integrator within an organization."


Chief of Staff


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